Formative evaluation and learning of the technique of the auction of soccer of the students of the university level




Formative evaluation, regulatory, procedural, continuous, feedback, innovative, learning, technique, soccer shot


Objective: To find out the intensity of connection between the formative evaluation and the learning of How to hit a Soccer Ball of the football subject of the students 6th cycle E.P.E.F Education Faculty of the UNMSM, 2019. Material and Methods: The research of quantitative type of correlational design. A questionnaire and test were applied to 46 students, whose results were processed by the SPSS program, in the same way following the statistical procedure of Rho de Spearman. Result: The general hypothesis found a correlation of Rho = 0.818 that explains that the applied formative assessment of sometimes has a relational link with the learning of the soccer spike technique that reaches a regular level. Regarding the five specific hypotheses, a relationship of Rho = 0.492, Rho = 0.722, Rho = 0.514, Rho = 0.582 and Rho = 0.640, respectively, was found, which is understood to be the form of regulatory, procedural, continuous, and feedback evaluation, and innovative, affects the learning of this course. Conclusions: the way in which the teacher applies his evaluation limits the grades of the course, since the students are not yet high.


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How to Cite

Suarez Sotelo, J. C., & Campana Concha, A. R. (2021). Formative evaluation and learning of the technique of the auction of soccer of the students of the university level. Big Bang Faustiniano, 10(2).


