Organizational Coaching and It's Influence on the Development of Leadership Styles and Managers of Network Marketing Companies in the District of Miraflores




Transformational Leadership, Organizational Coaching, Leadership styles, Marketing network


Objective: Determine an Organizational Coaching program that influences the Development of Transformational Leadership in managers and heads of network marketing companies in the district of Miraflores Material and method: The type of study is applied at the Descriptive, Correlational level. Of Method and design of the Investigation Method of Analysis - Non-experimental - Crosssectional of non-experimental and cross-sectional design. The study population was determined by network marketing companies in the district of Miraflores, the sample was obtained by applying the sample to the finite population, resulting in the techniques for obtaining results were the survey and direct observation. Results: After Applying the INDEPENDENT SAMPLES T TEST was obtained as an alpha value less than 0.05 in all the results of the specific hypotheses, so we can affirm that the alternative hypothesis is accepted and the null hypothesis is rejected. Conclusions: It was determined that an Organizational Coaching program significantly influences the Development of a Transformational Leadership in managers and heads of network marketing companies in the district of Miraflores, according to the results obtained in the hypothesis test through the T test of independent samples.


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How to Cite

Chávez Rivera, J. C. . (2022). Organizational Coaching and It’s Influence on the Development of Leadership Styles and Managers of Network Marketing Companies in the District of Miraflores. Big Bang Faustiniano, 11(02).


