Leaching of volcanic andesitic and dacitic minerals for silver extraction in the Gorgor district – 2021





Silver extraction, silver cyanidation, liberation and cyanidation, silver recovery


Objective: To evaluate the leaching of andesitic and dacitic volcanic minerals for silver extraction in the Gorgor district – 2021, was developed in the extractive metallurgy laboratory of the Center for Research and Technological Development of Materials. Material and methods: It is a basic experimental research, the ore was subjected to crushing, grinding and sieving, then cyanidation was carried out in a mechanical agitator at 200 rpm in a half liter of pulp the 11 tests 8 tests variables and 3 core tests. Ore analysis was performed by fire assay and the solution was analyzed using the hanna HI97737 photometer. Results: For a head grade of 20.16 oz/t silver, the best recovery was obtained in test 1 of 61.10% in a time of 48 hours with a release of 98 % through to the 200 mesh with a concentration of 1.5 g/L NaCN at 250 rpm. Concentration (g/L NaCN), release (/-200m), time(hr) and NaCN interaction g/L and time have p calculated .009, .001, .002, .041 and the bar of pareto chart greater than 4.3. While the interactions of NaCN(g/L)*%200m, %-200m*Time(hr) and NaCN(g/L)*%-200m*Time(hr) the calculated p has values of .389, .330, .115 and the bar of pareto chart is less than 4.3. Conclusions: The cyanidation time, the release of the ore, the strength of the sodium cyanide and the interaction of the strength of the cyanide with the time have a significant effect on the extraction and recovery of silver from volcanic minerals.


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How to Cite

Sánchez Guzmán , A. I., Nunja Garcia , J. V., Saucedo Lopez , M. C., Abarca Rodriguez , J. J., & Zapata Del Solar, H. A. (2024). Leaching of volcanic andesitic and dacitic minerals for silver extraction in the Gorgor district – 2021. Big Bang Faustiniano, 12(1). https://doi.org/10.51431/bbf.v12i1.921