Reading attitude and levels of reading comprehension of the students of the tenth semester of the EAPE - Faculty of Education - UNMSM, 2016


  • Jessica Donatila Guevara Ramírez Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Lima - Perú
  • Abelardo Rodolfo Campana Concha Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Lima - Perú



Attitudes, reading, reading comprehension, behavioral, cognitive, affective


Objective: To establish the existing relationship between reading attitude and the levels of reading comprehension of the students of the X cycle of the EAPE - Faculty of Education - UNMSM, 2016. Materials and Method: It is a correlational study that included a questionnaire (VX) and knowledge test (VY), respectively, which were developed by the sample of 133 students, and processed with the SPSS program. Results: The results confirmed a significant relationship of rs = 0.713 between the variables, showing that a favorable attitude towards reading is linked to high reading comprehension. It was also established that the behavioral, cognitive and affective components are statistically related to the second variable. Conclusion: In the institution reading interest is being strengthened, however not at its highest level, in addition to alerting the presence of unfavorable attitudes, above very favorable.


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How to Cite

Guevara Ramírez, J. D., & Campana Concha, A. R. (2021). Reading attitude and levels of reading comprehension of the students of the tenth semester of the EAPE - Faculty of Education - UNMSM, 2016. Big Bang Faustiniano, 10(1).


