Multiple Intelligences and academic performance in the area of mathematics in first grade students at the UGEL 04 Comas Educational Institution, Lima, 2018


  • Zaida América Claudio Salas Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú.
  • Abelardo Rodolfo Campana Concha Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú.



Multiple intelligences, academic performance, linguistics, mathematics, spatial, kinesthetic physics, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal


Objective: To identify the relationship between multiple intelligences and academic performance in the Area of Mathematics in First Grade students at the Educational Institution UGEL 04 Comas, Lima, 2018. Materials and Method: It is a correlational study that included a questionnaire and knowledge test for its variables 1 and 2, respectively, applied to a sample of 68 students, and statistically processed with the SPSS program. Results: The general hypothesis identified a good correlation of Rho = .782 between the two variables, taking into account that the multiple intelligences applied mostly almost always achieve that their performance reaches the expected achievement in the area of mathematics. Statistics also confirmed the relationship between linguistic, mathematical, spatial, physical kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligence; and academic performance in the area of mathematics. Conclusion: The frequencies in which activities are carried out to develop this type of intelligence are insufficient for students to achieve the highest marks.


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How to Cite

Claudio Salas, Z. A., & Campana Concha, A. R. (2021). Multiple Intelligences and academic performance in the area of mathematics in first grade students at the UGEL 04 Comas Educational Institution, Lima, 2018. Big Bang Faustiniano, 10(2).


