Virtual and face-to-face teaching and skills in students of the Faculty of Economic, Accounting and Financial Sciences




Virtual teaching, face-to-face teaching, competencies, academic performance


Objective: To determine the level of effectiveness of face-to-face and virtual teaching for the achievement of academic competencies in students of the Faculty of Economic, Accounting and Financial Sciences. Method: The research was of a basic type, with a non-experimental design and correlational level. The hypothetical-deductive method was used. The population was based on the number of students enrolled, having a total of 873 students in the 2019-II period and a total of 737 students in the 2020-II period; For the analysis of the information, the averages obtained by the students were processed. Results: The results revealed significant differences in the effectiveness of teaching between faceto-face and virtual modalities, according to the t-sudent statistical test (p= .00< .05). In addition, it was determined that the samples of the study periods have gone from a score of 13.80 in the initial average to a score of 14.80 in the final average, which denotes a favorable evolution, although a reduction in the number of students enrolled was noted in the periods analyzed.


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How to Cite

Vásquez Morante , P. F., & Luna Santos, A. O. (2024). Virtual and face-to-face teaching and skills in students of the Faculty of Economic, Accounting and Financial Sciences. Big Bang Faustiniano, 12(1).