Impact of the organizational climate on work efficiency: a comprehensive study at Ugel N° 08, Cañete




organizational climate, motivation, job performance


Objective: Of this study is to determine the relationship between the organizational climate and the work performance of the staff of the Local Educational Management Unit No. 08 of Cañete. Material and Methods: We sought to determine how the dimensions of the organizational climate - responsibility, communication and motivation - influence the work efficiency of employees. The research design is non-experimental, transversal and correlational, using a descriptive methodology to capture the interaction between the aforementioned variables. Structured questionnaires were administered to a census sample of 62 employees, collecting data on climate perceptions and job performance evaluations. The instruments included Likert-type scales that addressed specific aspects of each dimension of the organizational climate and its correlation with job performance. Results: The results show a significant relationship between a positive organizational climate and high work performance, with a Spearman correlation coefficient of .549. Specifically, better levels of communication and motivation were found to be directly associated with greater effectiveness in job functions. The dimensions of organizational climate, especially motivation, proved to have the most significant impact on employee efficiency. Conclusion: Based on these findings, it is concluded that a positive work environment, which encourages good communication and motivation, is essential to improve work performance in educational entities. These results highlight the importance of implementing policies that strengthen the organizational climate as a strategy to enhance productivity and job satisfaction in the educational sector.


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How to Cite

Yupa Menacho, J. C., & Barreto Rodríguez, R. E. (2024). Impact of the organizational climate on work efficiency: a comprehensive study at Ugel N° 08, Cañete . Big Bang Faustiniano, 12(1).