Prevalence and factors related to the presentation of Fasciola hepatica in cattle from Huancabamba, Piura, Peru
Prevalence, Fasciola hepatica, place, age, race, altitudeAbstract
Objectives: To determine the prevalence and factors that influence the presentation of Fasciola hepatica in cattle from Huancabamba (Piura, Peru), during the period June to November 2018. Methodology: Two hundred and sixty-five stool samples from a population of 860 animals belonging to the Huancabamba cattle association, raised extensively, were analyzed. The Dennis method was used to identify F. hepatica eggs in feces and the Chi-square test to determine the association between the study factors, place of origin, altitude floor, age and race with the presentation of the disease. Results: The prevalence of F. hepatica was 64.91%. Age, race and place of origin were not associated with the presentation of the disease (P>0.05) but the altitude level was (P<0.05). Conclusions: The prevalence of F. hepatica in the province of Huancabamba was high and increased in relation to previous years.Downloads
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