Economic losses and factors associated with the seizure of livers with Fasciola hepatica in Chiclayo, Peru


  • E. A. Ramos Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria, Universidad Nacional Pedro Ruiz Gallo, Lambayeque, Perú
  • R. M. Alva Departamento de Ciencias Veterinarias, Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria, Universidad Nacional Pedro Ruiz Gallo, Lambayeque, Perú
  • J. C. Leiva Departamento de Ciencias Veterinarias, Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria, Universidad Nacional Pedro Ruiz Gallo, Lambayeque, Perú



Fasciola hepatica


Objectives: To determine the economic losses and the factors associated with the seizure of livers with Fasciola hepatica in cattle slaughtered in the slaughterhouse, Chiclayo, Peru, during the months of May to July 2019. Methodology: Three thousand eight hundred and sixty-five slaughtered animals were evaluated. Parasitized livers were detected by post mortem sanitary inspection. The partial and total seizure of livers and economic losses were calculated. The Chi square test was used to determine the association of the seized livers with age, race, sex, origin and month of slaughter. Results: A total of 880 livers infested by F. hepatica were seized, representing a prevalence of 22.77%, the estimated economic loss was S/. 27 533.80. The month of greatest seizure was May (22.58%). Most of the livers seized were from bovines from the sierra of the Cajamarca department. The Brown Swiss breed presented the highest seizures (40.76%) followed by cross-bred cattle (25.61%) and Creole (23.84%). Females and adult animals (>2 years) were the ones with the highest seizures, 24.57% and 23.74% respectively. Conclusions: The economic loss was estimated at S/. 31.28 per parasitized slaughtered animal. The month of slaughter, origin, race, sex and age influenced the seizure of livers.


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How to Cite

Ramos, E. A., Alva, R. M., & Leiva, J. C. (2020). Economic losses and factors associated with the seizure of livers with Fasciola hepatica in Chiclayo, Peru. Peruvian Agricultural Research, 2(2).


