Agronomic evaluation of six canary bean genotypes under conditions of the Chincha valley, Ica, Peru


  • L. Aybar Instituto Nacional de Innovación Agraria (INIA), Ica, Perú.
  • D. B. Luis Departamento de Agronomía, Universidad Nacional José Faustino Sánchez Carrión, Lima, Perú.



Green grain, dry grain, earliness, yield


Objectives: To evaluate the characteristics of earliness and yield of six canary bean genotypes under conditions in the Valley of Chincha, Ica, Peru. Methodology: A randomized complete block design with six treatments and three blocks was used. The treatments consisted of five promising canary bean genotypes: PF-210-69, PF-210-113, Divex 8120, Centinela and Line 4; and a control treatment: 2000 INIA. Precocity characteristics were evaluated (days at 50% flowering, days to green harvest, days to physiological maturity, days to dry harvest), performance characteristics (pods per plant, grains per pod, pod length, width of pod, weight of 100 grains, green and dry yield) and the ratio of green grain to dry grain. For the comparison of treatment means, the Scott-Knott test was used at 5% significance. Results: The PF-210-69, PF-210-113, Divex 8120 and Sentinel genotypes showed precocity that required between 124.67 and 126.67 days to complete their vegetative cycle, being less than the other genotypes. For the number of pods per plant and weight of 100 grains, there were no significant differences between the genotypes evaluated; while for the number of grains per pod, the genotypes PF-210-69 and PF-210-113 stood out. For yield in green grain and dry grain, Line 4 stood out when obtaining 12.21 and 1.78 t ha-1, respectively, values higher than the rest of genotypes. Conclusions: It is concluded that Line 4, despite being later, presented better performance characteristics both in green and dry grains, under the conditions of the Chincha valley.


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How to Cite

Aybar, L., & Luis, D. B. (2021). Agronomic evaluation of six canary bean genotypes under conditions of the Chincha valley, Ica, Peru. Peruvian Agricultural Research, 3(1), 18–22.


