Effect of ozonated water on the population reduction of Escherichia coli in minimally processed vegetables





Microbiological quality, fecal coliforms, hygiene, vegetables


Objectives: To determine the effect of the application of ozonated water at different concentrations and immersion times on the microbial reduction of Escherichia coli (E.coli) present in minimally processed vegetables in a Peruvian market. Methodology: samples of minimally processed vegetables were collected and identified in eight stalls in the Modelo market of the Province of Huaral - Peru, later the E. coli count was determined in all the samples in triplicate and the sample that presented the highest average; This sample was subdivided and subjected to disinfection using ozonated water in which two factors were combined with three levels in each one; ozone concentration (0,1; 0,5 and 1 ppm) and immersion time (30, 150 and 300 seconds), finally the E. coli count was re-counted in triplicate for the nine treatments in order to see their effect in the initial control population. Results: Of the eight samples analyzed, the most contaminated reached counts of 4,06 ± 0,02 Log cfu g-1 for E. coli and after its application with ozonated water, population reductions were achieved from 0,5 ± 0,01 to 1,76 ± 0,09 Log cfu g-1 with regarding control. Conclusions: Treatment with concentration levels of 1 ppm of ozone in water and an immersion time of 300 seconds had the greatest bactericidal effect on the microbial population of Escherichia coli present in minimally processed vegetables in the Huaral model market.


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How to Cite

Caro-Degollar, E. M., Fernández, F., Miranda, D. J., Vásquez, G. N., Bautista, F. A., & Nunja-García, J. V. (2021). Effect of ozonated water on the population reduction of Escherichia coli in minimally processed vegetables. Peruvian Agricultural Research, 3(2). https://doi.org/10.51431/par.v3i2.707



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