Effect of garlic and onion meal on the immune response in broilers





Onion, garlic meal, broilers, immune response


Objectives: To evaluate the effect of garlic and onion meal in the diet on the immune response in broilers. Methodology: 150 male broilers of the Cobb 500 line were used. The birds were randomly distributed in three groups with five replications and each replication with ten broilers. The treatments were: T0: Negative control, without antibiotic growth promoters (APC); T1: Positive control, with APC (Enramycin 8%); T2: Garlic + onion meal (0.75% + 0.75%). The immune response variables were, weight of lymphoid organs (spleen, thymus and bursa of Fabricius) and humoral response (antibody levels). Analysis of variance of a completely randomized design and Tukey's test were used to evaluate the data. Results: No significant differences (P>0.05) were found in the weight of lymphoid organs or humoral response when comparing the three treatments. The weight of lymphoid organs and humoral response presented a great variability. Conclusions: Garlic and onion meal did not influence lymphoid organ weights and antibody levels in broilers.


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How to Cite

Velásquez, C. R., Vega-Vilca, J. F., Pujada, H. N., & Airahuacho, F. E. (2021). Effect of garlic and onion meal on the immune response in broilers. Peruvian Agricultural Research, 3(2). https://doi.org/10.51431/par.v3i2.703


