Promotion of entomotherapy with bee products in Panma:Case study of an artisan beekeeping project




Beehive, beekeeping, beekeeping product, entomotherapy, pharmacological agent


Objective: To analyze beehive products with entomotherapeutic potential offered by the Ivanidsel artisanal beekeeping project. Methodology: The case study corresponds to an artisanal beekeeping project started in 2021, in two locations in the district of Las Palmas, province of Veraguas, Panama. The research was carried out from January to February 2023. From this artisan undertaking, beekeeping products with entomotherapeutic characteristics were obtained. The general entomotherapeutic benefits of basic beekeeping products, both those produced by the project and some with the potential to be produced in the future, were based on consulted literature. Results: The obtaining of four basic products for therapeutic purposes (honey, wax, pollen and propolis) and at least other three by-products (facial cream, polyhoney and honey with honeycomb) were identified. Six basic bee products with entomotherapeutic properties were determined, which were listed along with their characteristics, therapeutic properties, and nutritional and pharmacological content; which could be better used in the case studied and in other similar undertakings. Conclusion: The entrepreneurship studied obtains four basic beekeeping products with entomotherapeutic properties to help maintain and improve the health of rural and urban populations. It is possible that other beekeeping projects in Panama are also oriented towards this purpose, to meet certain therapeutic needs of people, with a view to export. Artisanal beekeeping should be investigated and supported in these initiatives.


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How to Cite

Atencio Valdespino, R. ., Vaña, M., Collantes González, R. ., Del Cid Alvarado, R. J. ., & Jerkovic, M. . (2024). Promotion of entomotherapy with bee products in Panma:Case study of an artisan beekeeping project. Peruvian Agricultural Research, 5(2).